Get Involved
It’s lonely out there and we get it. If you have questions or would like to make some suggestions, please contact us below. Otherwise, please enjoy our blog.
Please feel free to fill in your information below. Submit any questions, comments, or concerns about our website directly to us. I encourage all of you to make suggestions on things you would like to see us explore or write about.
I do not offer professional medical advice on this site but if you had some hypothetical question that was burning a hole in your brain, I would still love to hear it and maybe write a blog about it. You should definitely contact us. You can also stop by the Health and Wellness section and see if your questions have already been answered.
Alternatively, if you have ideas about places we should visit or products you would like us to take a look at, contact us. We are more than happy to take a look and see if we can work them into our adventures. No promises but we will take a look.
If you represent an organization and are looking to sponsor us or would like us to review a product, please send us your information and a basic description of what you are offering/looking for.