Health and Wellness

A look at health and wellness in daily life

Have you ever had a question but were too embarrassed to ask your doctor? We get it. Life happens and that is what these stories are all about. Balance your curiosity with real examples from the life of a Sports Medicine Physician and father of 3. Health and Wellness with an honest outlook.

The stories here often contain medical information in the context of evaluating hypothetical Health and Wellness situations. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This does not constitute medical advice and is not a substitute for speaking to your doctor. If you submit a question for review and it is posted below, it does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

All scenarios are assumed to be hypothetical and any similarities between the information here and an actual medical concern is purely coincidental. The information presented here is for entertainment purposes only and should not be viewed by anyone. Not all questions will be addressed but I will make every effort to select the more entertaining or educational ones.

With that out of the way, I encourage you to send me your questions or your stories. I will do my best to evaluate them and give my take on it. If they require a more in-depth response, I will try to find another expert in that field to shed some light on your questions.

Anything is fair game but lets try to keep this entertaining. Health and Wellness is not always the most entertaining topic but it definitely has some of the more wild theories out there.

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    Many of the people viewing this website are married. Some of you are probably divorced. There is a subset of…
  • Inspiration From Unusual Places
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  • Bullies, Bullying, and the Bully
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  • The Value of Time
    I was recently discussing property values in Brian Head Utah with my neighbor. I had recently purchased a plot of…
  • The Butterfly Effect
    The air was hot and humid. Another balmy spring day in a coastal community being plagued by the alleged global…
  • Injury and Recovery: Second Chances
    I’m going to admit that I have been sand bagging this one for a while. Seeing as how my son…
  • Date Night for Married Couples
    A safe assumption is that everyone loves cheap food. Of that population I would be willing to bet a fair…
  • Unsubscribe and Unplug
    Microtransactions and subscription fees have a way of adding up. I talk to a variety of people in my line…
  • User Question: Osteoporosis
    Question: Is it worth taking Osteoporosis medications considering the side effect risks? What is Osteoporosis? As a result of declining…


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