Many things in life cost money. This however, should come as no surprise to you. This website and the adventures documented also require a certain amount of resources to make them happen. Like every other website out there, it is important to have some type of revenue stream to keep the magic going. Affiliate marketing partners are critical sources for this to happen.
Please take the time to support our sponsors and marketing partners by visiting their sites and buying stuff. We will get paid a commission if you end up purchasing items or services through the links below. For those of you who are also anti-capitalism, consider the fact that any revenue we generate from these links directly cuts into their profit margins. If you were already planning on buying something, why not use our links and support! We greatly appreciate the support!
Our Affiliate Marketing Partners:
These links are updated frequently based on the advertising campaigns from the actual sponsors. If new deals come out, I will do my best to update them as quick as possible. If you come across a link that doesn’t go to the intended place, please let us know.