It all started…
Part of life is learning to adapt. From an early age, I was an adventurous individual. I used to take trips with my parents to places like Catalina, Carlsbad Caverns, Death Valley etc. I remember sleeping on the ground at those infamous KOA campgrounds. As a kid it was awesome. I could not wait to grow up so I could have the freedom to explore the world.
The older I get, the less awesome adulting seems. I somehow have less freedom due to a very busy career and it is difficult to go “out” like I used to in college. It is strange how priorities change in life, but the thought of going “out” just sounds painful and expensive. It is not that I don’t enjoy it; its more like I just know the difficulties I will be facing when I wake up the next day to 3 small children running and screaming through the house at 6am. Sleep is a luxury with my job, and sleep is even more of a luxury with kids.
Despite the pain associated with parenting, imaging life without kids just seems mundane. I have no doubt that kid-less people have very fulfilling lives but I can honestly say I do not miss it. What I do miss is things like being able to sleep off a hangover, not stepping on legos in the middle of the night, or knowing the tv remote will be in the same place tomorrow.
This blog is dedicated to the adventures in parenting experienced by my family and I. It is my hope that through the experience of life I am able to impart my knowledge, support, and encouragement that parents often need.