A safe assumption is that everyone loves cheap food. Of that population I would be willing to bet a fair amount love cheap booze even more. Our ongoing debate is almost always between Taco Tuesdays vs. Wine Wednesdays. As a parent, I like to offset the cost of childcare any way that I can. Sometimes that means opting for cheaper date nights just to have some time with the wife.
Staying Focused
Relationships are tough. That shouldn’t be a secret to anyone. Maintaining a healthy relationship is pivotal to raising children. Don’t take my word for it though, here are some oddly phrased statistics to prove it –
Almost 50% of Americans believe that single mothers are “bad for society” while only 24% of Americans believe that an unmarried couple that is living together is bad.

For parents, if you fail to focus on your relationship, the kids will suffer. To drive that point home consider the current 2020 marriage data. Marriages occur 6.9 per 1000 people. Divorce occurs 3.2 per 1000 people. That means a whopping 46.4% of marriages end in divorce.
The biggest contributors of divorce include

Topping the chart is a lack of commitment. This is why it has everything to do with Taco Tuesdays and Wine Wednesdays.
Each party in the relationship needs to make sure the other party feels the connection and is fully committed to it. So do yourself a favor and make that date night a Priority.
Tacos or Wine?
As a father, armed with the evidence that 31% of parents with children under age 18 feel rushed, I understand that a work life balance is difficult at best. In fact, in 2018, 74% of parents reported being too busy to enjoy life. When you compare that to the cost of something like divorce, its no wonder the phrase “it’s cheaper to keep her” became a thing.
I know many of you came to read this blog hoping for some reason to opt for taco Tuesday over the wine Wednesday, but instead I would pose the question “why does it matter?” It makes more sense to understand that whatever gets the two of you together is the best option.
The Real Story
It is important to do things as a family. It is also extremely important to do things as a couple. Maintain the relationship by maintaining each other.

We all know Taco’s are better. However, if you feel wine is the way to go, do us a favor and check out the latest sponsor for our website and get some grape juice…that burns.